Legal information

1. The provider of this telematic service is

2. Responsibility for own contents

We assume no liability or guarantee for the completeness, editorial and technical errors, omissions or accuracy of the information on this website. According to the general legislation, we are responsible for the contents we provide. A distinction must be made between our own content and links to content provided by other providers.

3. Responsibility for content on third-party Internet offerings

Hyperlinks to third-party Internet content are provided for information purposes only. The providers of such third-party content are solely responsible for their content. The Internet offers of third parties were checked before the corresponding links were set up. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness and correctness of the information that can be accessed via a link or reference. The content of other Internet offers can be changed at any time without our knowledge. References and links to third-party websites do not imply that we adopt the content included in the reference or link. We are not responsible for the data and information contained on these sites. We have no influence on the content of the linked pages. Therefore, we are not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and for damages resulting from the use of the linked contents.

4. Modification of the information made available

We reserve the right to change, supplement or delete the information provided without prior notice.

5. Protected content

This website contains data and information of all kinds which are protected by trademark and/or copyright in favour of the Service Provider or in some cases also in favour of third parties. This applies in particular to texts, images, graphics, audio files, video files or animation files including their layout on the individual web pages. It is therefore prohibited to download, copy or distribute the website in whole or in part. In particular, technically required copies for browsing purposes are permitted, provided they are not used for commercial purposes, as well as permanent copies for personal use. Downloadable information (brochures, forms, data sheets, etc.) may be saved and printed for personal use. Reproduction and use of press releases is permitted if the source is cited. The publication (also on the Internet), processing or commercial use of all contents (or parts thereof) may only take place with our prior consent or the prior consent of the author.

6. Placing a link / Framing

It is permissible to place a link on this website if the only purpose of the link is to allow cross-referencing. The Service Provider reserves the right to revoke this permission. It is not permitted to integrate this website with another.


The use of the Internet is at the user’s own risk. In particular, the Service Provider shall not be liable for any technical malfunction of the Internet or for any difficulties in accessing the Internet.